News and Higlights

Oil and Lubricants. For Heavy-duty Transportation.

When your business depends on your truck and you need it to work reliably and efficiently. Our scientists developed Shell heavy-duty diesel engine oils, to protect your engine, help you lower running costs and increase reliability. You've worked hard to make your business successful, so we've designed an engine oil that can help keep it that way.

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Shell Spirax oils are designed to help keep your transmission components protected so that they can go on working efficiently. For example, Shell Spirax S6 AXME and Shell Spirax S6 GXME have special frictional properties and high fluidity that reduce power loss, lower the operating temperature and offer higher mechanical efficiency. Their benefits have been demonstrated through extensive laboratory tests and over 20 million kilometres of field trials.

Shell Spirax S2 A Shell Spirax S2 A Brochure

High-quality GL-5 axle oil with good oxidation stability for long oil life.

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Shell Spirax S2 A 90 pdf pdf
Shell Spirax S2 A 140 pdf pdf
Shell Spirax S2 A 80W-90 pdf pdf
Shell Spirax S2 A 85W-140 pdf pdf
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