News and Higlights

Oil and Lubricants. For your Industry.

Whatever your industry, Shell has a comprehensive range of products and services that are designed to add value to your operations. Our ultimate-performance synthetic lubricants offer outstanding protection, long lubricant life and system efficiency benefits which are continuously proven in real-life applications. We can help you reduce your total cost of equipment ownership by maximising the value of using Shell lubricants.

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To meet the challenges of a wide range of hydraulic equipment and applications, Shell has designed a portfolio of fluids that enables you to choose a product to best match your needs. It includes extra-long-life synthetic technologies capable of up to four times standard life*, through to cost-effective, reliable products for less-demanding applications.

Shell Tellus S2 V Shell Tellus S2 V Brochure

Extended temperature range hydraulic fluid using unique additive technology to deliver double industry-standard oil life.

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