News and Higlights

Oil and Lubricants. For your Industry.

Whatever your industry, Shell has a comprehensive range of products and services that are designed to add value to your operations. Our ultimate-performance synthetic lubricants offer outstanding protection, long lubricant life and system efficiency benefits which are continuously proven in real-life applications. We can help you reduce your total cost of equipment ownership by maximising the value of using Shell lubricants.

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The shell refrigeration oil range has been developed to enable equipment manufacturers and end-users to select the oil for their system that will deliver optimum value through enhanced protection, long oil life and high system efficiency.

Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A Shell Refrigeration Oil S2 FR-A Brochure

Specially optimized for use in ammonia systems. It has been designed to reduce light-end-oil carryover, which minimizes oil thickening in the compressor and reduces oil coating of the internal evaporator surfaces.

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