Whatever your industry, Shell has a comprehensive range of products and services that are designed to add value to your operations.
When your business depends on your truck and you need it to work reliably and efficiently. Our scientists developed Shell heavy-duty diesel engine oils, to protect your engine, help you lower running costs and increase reliability.
Shell Marine Products supplies more than 15,000 vessels with a comprehensive marine lubricants portfolio, which includes high-performance diesel-engine cylinder oils.
Special offer!
Pelumas oli Shell Febuary 2013
Shell Rimula R2 10 W
Tough Long Lasting Action - Monograde Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil
Harga : Rp. 3.870.000 / Drum isi 209 Liter
*syarat dan ketentuan berlaku, harga belum termasuk PPn 10%, Kemasan drum 209 Liter, pembayaran cash bagi customer baru*
Segera hubungi kami! For Limited time and stock only!
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